Managing Windows

Starting the Application

To start the application, you should create a root Vue component representing a window and call $start(). This will display the window and start the main loop of the application:

const window = new Vue( {
  render: h => h( MainWindow )
} );


Exiting the Application

To exit the application, call the $exit() method. This will stop the main loop of the application. Typically, this is done in response to the close event:

  <Window title="Example" width="400" height="100" margined v-on:close="exit">

export default {
  methods: {
    exit() {

Note that $exit() automatically closes all open windows and destroys all root Vue components associated with them.

Creating Additional Windows

Your application can consist of multiple windows. To create and display another window, create a separate root Vue component and call $mount() without any parameters:

const logWindow = new Vue( {
  render: h => h( LogWindow )
} );


Note that the $start() method automatically calls $mount() if it hasn't been called. However, if you need to display more than one window, you should use $mount() to display them.

Destroying a Window

To close a window without exiting the application, call $destroy() on the root Vue component corresponding to that window:

  <Window title="Example" width="400" height="100" margined v-on:close="close">

export default {
  methods: {
    close() {

The root component can be accessed using the $root property which is part of the Vue.js API.

Note that the application will keep running in the background, even if you destroy all windows. To exit the application, call the $exit() method instead.

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