Displaying Dialogs

Message Boxes

You can use the $dialogs.msgBox() method to display a simple message box with an OK button. The first parameter is the title of the dialog and the second parameter is the message text. For example:

  <Window title="Example" width="400" height="100" margined>
    <Button v-on:click="showMessage">Show Message</Button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showMessage() {
      this.$dialogs.msgBox( 'Title', 'This is the message.' );

You can also use the $dialogs.msgBoxError() method to display an error message. It has the same parameters as msgBox().

File Dialogs

You can use the $dialogs.openFile() method to allow the user to select an existing file or $dialogs.saveFile() to prompt for a new file to be created or overwritten. Both these methods return the path of the selected file or null if the user cancelled the operation. For example:

  <Window title="Example" width="400" height="100" margined>
    <Button v-on:click="openFile">Open File</Button>

export default {
  methods: {
    openFile() {
      const filePath = this.$dialogs.openFile();
      if ( filePath != null ) {
        // do something...

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